Communication Wisdom

Gathered for you

What have bones got to do with communication?

beyond skills insights newsletter Oct 06, 2022

The other day, we at team WWV got talking about skeletons. Not the spooky kind, but the human skeleton, with all it’s joints and movements. We couldn’t help marveling at the miracle that is the human body!

This got us thinking… What can the skeleton teach us about communication?

Well, we already know that communication is not just dry bones, not just a simple and predictable line that moves back and forth between you and your audience. So, what is it?

Communication is an exquisite set of complex movements and shapings, moment-to-moment.

On its own, a stripped down skeleton can’t move. It needs muscles, ligaments, connective tissue, and joints. Your communication is no different. Without flexible joints, your speaking and writing is static, it can’t adapt to different situations, and it doesn’t flow. It’s just dry bones.

Okay, I know that some situations warrant a dry bones kind of exchange, something brief and transactional, something that skates on the surface. And that’s okay.

But aren’t there times when you want MORE than that? Don’t you, too, long for conversations that go a little deeper, for writing that touches the soul?

Instead of thinking of communication as a set of skills that your thinking mind acquires, feel into it as a set of bones, joints, and tissues that your soul inhabits.

You were born with everything you need to communicate in a fluid, connected, nuanced, and deep way that’s true to you. All you need to do is to come home to yourself and settle into your unique and embodied way of expressing yourself.

Know your bones, and love what they teach you about communication.

Flex all your joints, and become adaptable to any situation.

Flow your soul into your speaking and writing.

Dance with your audience.

So let me ask you this. What moves do you long to incorporate into your unique communication dance?

Tap reply and share your dance with me.





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