
Communication Coaching

For Passionate People


âž” That's Me!

“Great communication is so much more than a skill, it’s a whole way of being.”

Thea May, Founder of Working With Voice

Soul-led communication helps you talk about your thing. 




Great communication is not about confidence, it's about alignment.

And this is not just about you… 


Soul-led communication can change the way we live, work, and play together as a planetary society -- perhaps even survive and thrive.




Make people STOP & LISTEN.

CHANGE people's MINDS.



Empathise across deep philosophical rifts, and cultural divides, while also standing for what you believe in.


Mutually thriving collective future.


Communicate from a self aware, embodied, and curious place.


Healthy relationship with self, others, and non-human alike.


Inspire and guide others into taking the necessary leaps of faith needed for real change.


New ways of being, doing, and living as a planetary collective.

Find Out More

Be The Change

Shape our collective future through how you communicate.

What’s changed for me is being more open and confident, and moving through self-doubt and embarrassment, and speaking from my centre, speaking my truth.

Shaf / Past Client

It really is life changing, connecting with your communication flow.

Tamson / Leadership Coach

I only had the tip of the iceberg, but with the work that you offer, I got the whole iceberg.

Gwen / Transformation Coach





Communication Coach

For passionate people care about something greater than themselves.



"Everyone is a great communicator when they feel relaxed and connected to themselves." -Thea



Thea’s clients are passionate people who care about something greater than themselves. They need new communication tools and ways of being to rise to the challenges we all face.


She is the creator of the 3 C's Communication Method that works with your whole being. She reframes outdated communication norms into ethical, soul-led, and intentional ways of being and relating. 


Backed by over a decade of spoken communication coaching, she’ll show you how to communicate unapologetically, and have meaningful influence in your communities and organisations.


Whether you are a quiet-type or a social butterfly, she will help you find your flow in speaking and writing. Best of all, her guidance will keep you growing, long after you finish working together.


Ready to get started?

Message Thea Now

Work With Thea


Coaching for yourself or individual team members, delivered in person or online. 

Get 1-1 Coaching


Communication tools for your team or members delivered in a concise and practical way online to any number of people.

Learn Together

Something has to change! 

More inner wisdom, less information overload.

More embodied intuition, less busy head.

More shared power, less power games.

More refreshing candour, less smoke and mirrors

More co-created solutions, less problems-on-problems

More generous curiosity, less dehumanising judgements


Do you feel me?

What Can I Use This For?

Shape your life and the world around you!


⚪️ Announce your big idea!

⚪️ Speak out against that thing!

⚪️ Speak up for others like you!

⚪️ Stand up for yourself!

⚪️ Share your unique story!



Shape your personal life

⚪️ Make new connections

⚪️ Share your thoughts & ideas

⚪️ Communicate boundaries




Shape the shared experience

⚪️ Empower your team

⚪️ Speak up for others

⚪️ Cocreate solutions 




Shape the collective future

⚪️ Share your purpose

⚪️ Grow your impact

⚪️ Create real change


WhatsApp Thea Now

This enabled me to be much more present with people instead of always thinking about what I want to say next. 

E.K  / Environmental Campaigner

I felt comfortable with you straight away!

Paula / Social Enterprise Director

I wholeheartedly recommend Thea! It was truly outstanding how this brought so much value to my work.

Luliana / Facialist & Reflexologist 

Ask Thea any communication question.

✏️ Get Personalised Tips




Communication Podcast coming soon... 


Tune in to the shorter episodes to receive quick communication tricks and strategies. 

Or spend time listening to the journeys others have taken into finding their COMMUNICATION EASE & CONFIDENCE, and how it's shaping their life and work in surprising and inspiring ways. 

You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, and you’ll finish each episode with something to help you communicate with more ease and authenticity. 

Hosted by Thea May 

🎧 Be The First To Listen

Whatsapp Thea for quick response

Got a quick question, want to find a time to chat?

Send a text or voice note.

Send Message Now!