Get all your questions about communication ease and coaching answered in one place!


A 1-hour invite only virtual round table session!  Submit your questions about all things communication ease.  No question is too small, and I will be sure to answer them all.

Why come to the Open House?

This space is for you to get the answers you need about communion ease and working together. You also get the chance to eavesdrop on other peoples questions, often serving as questions you didn’t quite realise you also had.


Pre-submit your question using the form below! 🤓

To make sure that I can answer your questions fully, and include any other relevant resources we ask you to submit your questions in advance after you register. 
Ask things like… ▫️What can I use communication ease for? ▫️How can communication ease help me with public speaking / getting more clients / making new friends / setting boundaries / conflict conversations / sharing my thoughts and ideas? ▫️How does the coaching work in practice?

🗓 Thursday 2nd Feb at 12-1pm

Save your seat. 

✅ Pre-submit your question. 

✅ Get the answers you need.


Sign up here!

Remember to drop your question in the box below 👇